Why I Love the Summit Church

OK, there are lots of reasons, but being fun is a good start

When I asked asked Danny Franks of the Summit Church about our doing something nice for the staff, this is what he said:

(excerpt of the reply I got from Danny Franks of the Summit Church. I asked if it was OK to drop off a thank you to all the behind the scenes folks who really keep the place running, and how it would work out/what they might like as a staff)

Ken, that’s so very kind of you. Thank you!

The way this typically works:

  • You drop off goodies at the front desk.
  • Front desk shoots an email to all staff, detailing said goodies and the goody-giver, and announcing the location.
  • Swarm of locusts descend in an Exodus-style calorie-infused epic saga.
  • Old and cranky locusts yell at the City Project locusts to stop eating our staff treats and get off our lawn.
  • Straggling locusts show up 20 minutes later, bummed that they don’t get treats, but still grateful for the fact that someone cares, and that there were treats.
  • Locusts who decided to work off site that day discover that cubicle life isn’t so bad after all and actually has some perks.
  • Full and happy locusts make fun of hungry and sad (yet grateful) locusts, because that’s how full church staff locusts roll.

That was way too much info.

As far as staff preference, I’m going to go with a solid “Whatever.” We love ice cream, cookies, bagels, potato chips, popcorn, coffee, chicken nuggets, brownies, lobster rolls, filet mignon…whatever you pick will be very much appreciated.

Except kale. Kale will bring church discipline.

I’m cc’ing our incredible front desk team (Reema and Kim) so they can be aware that you may be coming in.

Again, thank you. This project is awesome. You rock!

A little P.S. is in order: this is right down the alley of one of our Downtown Durham members. Not sure if you’ve met Carrie McQuaid, but her kindness story went viral a couple of months back. Y’all would hit it off!


Ken Note:

So, ya, it’s OK to be funny and have a faith.

If you want more proof, check out the running April Fools jokes Danny does each year HERE.

And don’t miss the news story of the other ‘kind’ Summit member HERE.

One of Danny Franks’ April Fools Videos

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