Bee Downtown

Bee Downtown

Bee Downtown: Bees = Life Bee Down­town: I bumped into folks dec­o­rat­ing the awe­some bee-themed tree as part of the Tri­an­gle Christ­mas Tree Chal­lenge and start­ed snap­ping away. The orga­ni­za­tion is Bee Down­town, which has a com­plete sys­tem to...
Behind the Scenes at DPAC

Behind the Scenes at DPAC

Behind the Scenes With the Grinch Tour at DPAC Fun things you see while work­ing at for a the­atre Behind the Scenes at DPAC Dur­ing the Grinch Tour You know how when you go to a show at at the­atre like DPAC, you can some­times see the view from where you seats...
Frozen Moments

Frozen Moments

Frozen Moments: Do you remem­ber wait­ing as a kid? Frozen Moments: The great thing about pho­tog­ra­phy is the abil­i­ty to stop any sec­ond and look at it for min­utes. Dur­ing a recent YMCA Tri­an­gle pho­to shoot, I grabbed a quick photo…just for fun, just...
The Bull

The Bull

The Bull A chance to get up close and per­son­al with the Durham Bulls’ Bull The Bull! We all love going to the Durham Bulls Ath­let­ic Park, and noth­ing is bet­ter than see­ing a home run trig­ger the out­field Bull, right?? Well, we were assigned to pho­to­graph...
What is the OneMBA Program Like?

What is the OneMBA Program Like?

What is the OneMBA Program Like? A peek at our 3 days with the Kenan-Fla­gler busi­ness pro­gram at UNC Chapel Hill We cov­ered a full three days of action for the US res­i­den­cy of OneM­BA. Col­in and I pho­tographed class­es, por­traits, group...

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