The Bull

The Bull

The Bull A chance to get up close and per­son­al with the Durham Bulls’ Bull The Bull! We all love going to the Durham Bulls Ath­let­ic Park, and noth­ing is bet­ter than see­ing a home run trig­ger the out­field Bull, right?? Well, we were assigned to pho­to­graph...


Neigh­bors: With­in 3 days of our move-in, we were already wel­comed and at our first neigh­bor­hood block par­ty. Our neigh­bor­hood loves to get togeth­er for any occa­sion. And every­one shares their tal­ents with the group to make it a fun time. Pho­to...
Summer Friends

Summer Friends

Sum­mer Friends: We got to chat­ting with these teens in line at Pelican’s SnoBalls on Rox­boro. I love this age. Just enjoy­ing being with friends, falling in love, goof­ing off, find­ing them­selves. Some­day, they’ll joke about meet­ing a weird...
Durham in 72 Seconds

Durham in 72 Seconds

Durham in 72 Sec­onds Video: From our first vis­it to the bull city. Make sure you click the gear icon and watch in HD! Pho­tos...
Duke Chapel

Duke Chapel

Duke Chapel: On our first vis­it to town, we had to go out and see the Sarah P. Duke Gar­dens and Duke Chapel… Some­how this his­to­ry of this image make me want to snap it in black and white. As much as I like to shoot in col­or to have all my options, some times I...

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