Defying Gravity: We LOVE the ATC. Frankly, it was one of the things that struck us about Durham when we were looking for where to relocate our business & family. It’s just so, well, nifty. Like these blocks over the waterway that kids (and adults)...
Really Bad (and good) Cinema: We’re loving exploring the independent cinemas in the Triangle. We hit the Varsity in Chapel Hill for Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Carolina downtown for Birdman, and 2001: A Space Odyssey in glorious digital...
Peaceful: Is there anything better than walking around the Sarah P. Duke Gardens to relieve stress. This spot is a little out of the way, coming in the recently redone entrance near the parking lot off to the side in the woods. It’s a wonderful little path and makes...
Smiley: As a photographer, it’s a blast to walk around Durham and find these spots. This wall in downtown is already getting ‘historic’ as the new fish mural is now up on this wall and I believe some new construction will be happening here soon?? (I’m...
Where am I? A Durhamite friend suggested these photos would make a great scavenger hunt. Sign me up… that’s a great idea. Just give me a shout and we’ll turn it into a fun event! But till then, I may occasionally post a photo like this one. Where am I in the...
Time: Remember having time just to hang out. Summer, friends, nothing too critical to do… I really enjoy this sort of street photography, where I’m not just sniping photos of people as they zip by, but meeting folks, getting to know them and doing...