People are Beautiful

People are Beautiful

  Peo­ple are Beau­ti­ful: I don’t think I’ve lived in a place before where peo­ple are so com­fort­able in them­selves— you tell them X thing is cool about them & they’re total­ly fine with let­ting you snap away. Beau­ty inside and out. And have I...
Nineteen & In Love

Nineteen & In Love

Nine­teen & In Love: I met this sweet cou­ple as they were skat­ing around all alone hold­ing hands at the ATC Ice Fac­to­ry. Hav­ing a cam­era all the time is great, since it allows me an excuse to talk to peo­ple, give them a pho­to of a moment in their lives...
Behind the Scenes at DPAC

Behind the Scenes at DPAC

Behind the Scenes With the Grinch Tour at DPAC Fun things you see while work­ing at for a the­atre Behind the Scenes at DPAC Dur­ing the Grinch Tour You know how when you go to a show at at the­atre like DPAC, you can some­times see the view from where you seats...


Joy: It’s always great to see peo­ple not just slog­ging through a work ses­sion, but hav­ing fun and being great with the cus­tomers. When the our fam­i­ly went to the ATC Ice Fac­to­ry we not only had a great time skat­ing, but also inter­act­ing with these...
Frozen Moments

Frozen Moments

Frozen Moments: Do you remem­ber wait­ing as a kid? Frozen Moments: The great thing about pho­tog­ra­phy is the abil­i­ty to stop any sec­ond and look at it for min­utes. Dur­ing a recent YMCA Tri­an­gle pho­to shoot, I grabbed a quick photo…just for fun, just...
On Parking, Walking & Families in Durham

On Parking, Walking & Families in Durham

  On Park­ing, Walk­ing & Fam­i­lies in Durham: I’m con­sis­tent­ly amazed that we can park so close to the ATC for free (or up till 6pm, right at the ATC). Try that at any oth­er city. There’s sort of a weird ten­sion in Durham. Lots of places to park...

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