

Bust­ed: Nope, they weren’t real­ly doing any­thing wrong, but I just love the look of being caught. As we’re cruis­ing around nifty Durham, we do bump into a fair num­ber of pho­tog­ra­phers, snap­shot tak­ers, and real pho­to shoots going on. I guess we’re just too...
Editing a Comedy Show with Tim Hawkins

Editing a Comedy Show with Tim Hawkins

Editing a Comedy Show with Tim Hawkins It’s great when fun­ny looks fun­ny It’s dif­fi­cult to pho­to­graph many types of shows… stand-up com­e­dy and fun­ny plays can actu­al­ly be on the list of those prob­lem shows to shoot.     We cov­er...
Red #1

Red #1

Red #1 Found these on our way to see the pho­to show at Through This Lens, I’m amazed how many spots in Durham have col­or, his­to­ry, details that just make won­der­ful pho­tos. All dif­fer­ent looks, all in the same area. Pho­tos by Huth­Pho­to Down­town Durham,...
Nifty Buttons— Want One?

Nifty Buttons— Want One?

Nifty But­tons— Want One? Have you got­ten your Nifty­Durham but­ton yet? We always have them on us (look for the brown pho­to man-purse satchel & black Fuji cam­era… and lis­ten for the laugh­ter). Just ask… maybe you’ll even get one of the new lim­it­ed-edi­tion...
Durham County Sheriff Recruit Training

Durham County Sheriff Recruit Training

Durham County Sheriff Recruit Training Do you have what it takes to make it? The Durham Coun­ty Sher­iff Depart­ment brought us in to show the excite­ment of the process, the ener­gy (& the sweat) their recruits go through to qual­i­fy as deputies. I had an...

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