Color vs Black & White

Color vs Black & White

Color vs. B/W Which to choose, why it mat­ters and how to best do the con­ver­sion Is a Pho­to Bet­ter in Col­or or B/W? The eter­nal strug­gle here at Huth­Pho­to is to decide if a pho­to is bet­ter in the orig­i­nal col­or, or a B/W con­ver­sion. Black &...
120 Years of Cinema Event in Durham

120 Years of Cinema Event in Durham

A Celebration of Early Cinema in Durham for the 120th anniver­sary of the first Lumière screen­ing Do you love cin­e­ma his­to­ry? This post is less ‘pho­to-dri­ven’ and more of an ‘I Love Durham’ post. We were at the Durham Hotel for the 120th anniver­sary...
Fall Photos of Duke Gardens

Fall Photos of Duke Gardens

Fall Photos of Duke Gardens Add a lit­tle col­or to your day Always some­thing new for pho­tos at Duke Gar­dens We took a late fall walk around the Duke Gar­dens and I’m always struck by some­thing new. Each trip has dif­fer­ent light, dif­fer­ent things...
A Birthday at DPAC

A Birthday at DPAC

Birthday Girl To go out to a DPAC concert, with this fun group of friends—what a better way to spend your birthday. And I’m glad I could be a part of it. I was there to build up DPAC’s file of images for social media and publications. at Durham Performing Arts Center,...
Shop Local in Durham NC

Shop Local in Durham NC

Shop Local in Durham NC Our first vis­it to Loaf bak­ery Loaf No, I’m not crit­i­ciz­ing their work eth­ic (you non-Durham folks!)— this is our awe­some bak­ery on Par­rish Street. This was from my first vis­it, and yes, I did grab a jar of the tasty Big Spoon...
Want to see the cutest cats on the planet?

Want to see the cutest cats on the planet?

I just did a sweet story following kitty shelter volunteers in Cary NC. I love not just being a corporate photographer in Durham NC, but also being able to do fun photojournalism in the Triangle NC area for causes via my NiftyDurham stories and photoblog. Kitties in...

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