

Detail: Being new in town, I keep notic­ing all of the lit­tle details around me… this detail snap of the Dress Build­ing on Main is love­ly. Pho­to by: Huth­Pho­to Kress Build­ing Main Street Durham...
Look Down

Look Down

  (note: this is the first post for my Nifty­Durham blog, where I post pho­tos and thoughts on my new home­town of Durham NC. It was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in 2014 on anoth­er plat­form) Look Down: One of my first impres­sions of Durham’s down­town are these...
When Should I Call 911?

When Should I Call 911?

When Should I Call 911? A Durham Police Sgt. makes it fun to learn what’s best to do Let’s keep look­ing out for each oth­er, Durham! We belong to a neigh­bor­hood group in South Durham (They have them all over, and this is from a new one on Nextdoor) This mes­sage is...
First Responders Project

First Responders Project

First Responders Project we cov­er Durham’s finest for the Durham Cham­ber of Com­merce If you appre­ci­ate what our first respon­ders do for Durham, you’ll enjoy our project doc­u­ment­ing them for the Durham Cham­ber. It was a ter­rif­ic week, meet­ing all of the...

on meeting people in Durham (PhotoC4)

photoc4: 9:12 PM.  I decided to take a final stroll down the ATC, before going home. I pass by these two lovely people, and smile. As they go by, she says something along the lines of “He had a camera, we should have asked for a picture!” I turn around. “Well, would...
4 Views of Sir Walter Raleigh

4 Views of Sir Walter Raleigh

4 Views of Sir Walter Raleigh pho­tos from around the Raleigh NC Con­ven­tion Cen­ter Four Views of Sir Wal­ter We were down at the Raleigh Con­ven­tion Cen­ter scop­ing things out for a YMCA of the Tri­an­gle event in a few weeks. After our meet­ing (and...

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