Mac/PC/Chromebook — Which One is Best for Small Business? I get asked a lot about Mac vs Windows... I tried to just find a simple article just to share, but no luck. So here's my attempt to help. Note: This is for a non-techie, non-gamer person. Just for a small...
Which Canon Wide Angle Lens is the Best ? I help a client choose between the Canon EF 17–40 f/4L USM & the EF 16–35mm f/2.8L II USM How to choose the best wide angle lens: Canon has several quality levels of lenses, as well as some pretty subtle...
Question: People often ask for buying tips on equipment, so here’s what to look for in a less-expensive ‘family’ level video camera. This specific request was for a teen and they were wondering what it would be like using an iPad for video, so we...