Cabaret Cast Party

Cabaret Cast Party

Cabaret Cast Par­ty After open­ing night on many shows at the Durham Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter in Durham NC, I pho­to­graph the cast par­ty… it’s fun to see the cast get a chance to cel­e­brate and meet their fans. Every­one from Cabaret was great with all my...
Beautiful corporate interior photos in Durham NC

Beautiful corporate interior photos in Durham NC

Upgraded Service: Building Interiors A peek at the new DPAC President’s Club We’ve upgrad­ed our cor­po­rate build­ing inte­ri­or tech­nique and soft­ware We’re real­ly excit­ed to show off some of our first new pho­tos with this new tech­nique. They don’t have...
A Birthday at DPAC

A Birthday at DPAC

Birthday Girl To go out to a DPAC concert, with this fun group of friends—what a better way to spend your birthday. And I’m glad I could be a part of it. I was there to build up DPAC’s file of images for social media and publications. at Durham Performing Arts Center,...

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